Saturday, October 23, 2010

Movie Review: Where the Wild Things Are

I have never read the famous children's book, but was familiar enough with it to have an interest in seeing this film. I also heard that Karen O. from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs did the soundtrack, and she rocks - the soundtrack was awesome, unique. The film, however, was a mishmash of psychological metaphors and deliberations on the meaning of childhood. I didn't understand the conflicts, I didn't understand most of the characters.

I will say the film is unique from a design perspective. The monsters are a one-of-a-kind creation and they look amazingly the point where you forget that they are fake, essentially just giant muppets. Some of the cinematography is incredibly well shot. All in all, though, the movie keeps the viewer out of the story. We learn very little about the events that transpire, and as the credits rolled I hurried to turn the film off and buy the soundtrack off of iTunes.

Where the Wild Things Are - IMDb

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