Sunday, October 24, 2010

Movie Review: Blazing Saddles

If you don't laugh out loud during the entirety of this film, there is something wrong with you and you need to have your mental health evaluated immediately. I only write this because I care about you.

This is by far, in my opinion, Mel Brooks' best work, incorporating all of his usual deft with slapstick and nonsense, mixing in a little social commentary, and of course, some amazing song and dance routines.

The plot runs something like this: a shady politico and his cohorts plan to destroy the town of Rockridge in order to make room for a new railroad line. The town is in need of a new sheriff, and in an attempt to quicken the destruction of the town, the corrupt politician appoints a...wait for sheriff!! The sheriff turns out to be more than awesome at his job, eventually foiling the evil plot, saving the town, and riding off into the sunset in a limo.

I've heard some people say that this movie is "slow" - this is ridiculous. There are scenes that seem to drag a bit, but this is done on purpose: listen to the dialogue during these scenes, it's freaking hilarious. If you find any part of this movie boring, it's because you, in fact, are boring. Simple and boring. I've literally changed my opinion of people based on their reaction to this movie. Seems shallow, I know, but this is serious business here. Shnitzengruben!! Hahaha.

This is also one of those films that you can return to and find new things that you missed during previous viewings. There is a lot of subtle humor in this film; there is also a lot of not-so-subtle humor in this film.

To me, some of the funniest scenes are towards the end with an outrageous song-and-dance number and a  great food fight. Also, look out for tons of classic lines, like "Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!", "Hey, where the white women at?", and so forth.

And remember, "Mongo only pawn in game of life."

Blazing Saddles - IMDb

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